The Traddock Wins a Gold Award from the GBTS
6th May 2014
One of Austwick’s most treasured hotels, The Traddock in North Yorkshire takes an impressive approach to eco-tourism.
With inspiring environmental initiatives such as energy efficient lighting, dual flush toilets, onsite herb and vegetable gardens, homemade produce, and a wood pellet-fuelled heating system, The Traddock has worked hard for its high scoring results from the Green Business Tourism Scheme, and its much-deserved Gold Award.
The Reynolds family have always taken their eco-values seriously and with an investment of £44,000 put into obtaining a biomass system, which has already begun to reduce their annual energy costs by an incredible £12,000, their dedication must be commended.
Wherever possible, produce for the hotel kitchen is grown on their land, or sourced from local suppliers to save on mileage. The Traddock also recycles on a grand scale and goes to great lengths to reduce waste.
The assessor for the Green Tourism Scheme, Simon Dodds, commented: “The Traddock is to be congratulated for the significant effort made by Sabrina and Paul to reach Green Tourism gold award status. The Traddock has benefitted significantly from the installation of a biomass system, a large growth in LED and low energy lighting, a rolling program of dual flush toilets and a move to greener cleaning products. Also significant is the food provenance which is excellent, plus organic status, herb and wildlife gardens, together with 40% reduction in external lighting wattage.”
The Traddock will now be proudly acting as an advocate for environmental and sustainable business, and will play host to open days for other like-minded businesses that want to play a part in improving environmental standards.
To win the Gold Award is a great honour for the Reynolds as the GBTS follows very stringent guidelines and takes a whole host of criteria into consideration when distributing awards.
The owners of The Traddock will continue to improve their environmental policy and reduce their carbon footprint by investing in all things sustainable wherever possible. They presently work alongside the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust to help restore the Dale’s woodland.
Future plans for the hotel include improving loft insulation, investing more into energy efficient lighting and upgrading the listed sash windows.